• Dexion Style Pallet Rack Manufacturer

Dexion Style Pallet Rack

Dexion style pallet rack is mainly consisting of frame, beam and often equipped with wire decking, steel panel. It can be adjustable by every 76.2mm which suitable forklift working. The beams are made of cold-rolled steel, and it connects with column by the hooks with safety pin. Dexion style pallet rack is the most popular and economic storage system at present. The pallet rack is mainly used together with pallet and the common forklift. It is very safe and convenient, can make full use of warehouse space. Cargos are packed on the pallet, and then the pallet is picked up from racking by forklift easily and freely. It is widely used in warehouse, supermarket, distribution centers and other logistic places.


· 90% Picking efficiency, and appropriate for picking heavy goods by pallet.

· Surface finishing with static powder coating.

· High Strength and durability, easy for complete installation.

· Pallets can be located, accessed and moved individually. · Rapid handling of almost all types of palletized goods.

· Bottom level of pallets can be stored on the floor, lowering structure costs.

· Strength and rigidity prevents compression damage to goods.

· Infinitely adjustable and offering a wide range of options and components to accommodate specialized needs.

· Maximizes space use in any warehouse configuration while retaining optimum product accessibility.

Safety Locker

Each beam end is supplied steel safety lock or safety pins which guarantee the beam is correctly positioned and help prevent the beam being accidentally dislodged during it work. Safety locks are fixed to beam connectors when being packaged.

Dexion style pallet rack upright frame

Upright frame bear the full load of the pallet racking system. The transfer of rack loads from the beam through the uprights is critical to overall system strength, safety and performance. Upright designed to carry rack load on the front face without twisting, distorting or stressing metal. The profile of the slots transfers the load vertically down the upright and allows beams to connect without twisting be wedged in so that the side loads are not imposed on the upright by the beam and connector ,which make provides great strength, rigidity and a resistance to lateral impact damage.


Dexion style pallet rack beam

Welfor offers two kinds of section profiles for the beam, there are interlock beam and box beam. Multiple bending points design upgrades the reinforcement to various sized beams, and at the same time, greatly reduced the deformation mechanical side effect which used to behave on long materials. With the same weight load capability, different profiles will meet the demands in different markets and thus to meet client’s preference.




Advantage of Welfor dexion style pallet rack

· Individual access to all pallets to full height of warehouse

· Simple stock rotation achieved

· Easy beam adjustment accommodates variable pallet heights

· Compatible with many handling equipment styles

· Conventional tolerance for floors when used to 10m high

· Accessories available can accommodate every unit load type

· Economical shelving beams can be added for low level picking

· High average locations used 95 %, for 100 % accessibility, good stock rotation


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